Saturday, December 10, 2011

Classic Creme Brulee

Nothing better than a good, classic Creme Brulee! Creme Brulee, which literally means "burnt cream" in French, is a truly decadent and indulgent dessert. It is made with only egg yolks, heavy cream and white sugar and then topped off with more white sugar and burnt to a golden hard candy like crust.


  • 4 cups heavy cream
  • 8 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup sugar + extra for sprinkling (1 Sugar in the Raw packet per ramekin is the best way)
  • 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract (use vanilla bean pods if have...way better flavor)


Preheat oven to 300° F. In a saucepan over medium heat, combine cream and 1/2 cup sugar. Cook while stirring until cream just begins to bubble (about 4-5 minutes).

In a bowl, beat egg yolks and vanilla until well blended. Yolks will become a light yellow. Gradually pour hot cream into yolks, stirring constantly. If the mixture looks a bit grainy, strain mixture through a sieve set over a bowl.

Pour the custard into 8 6-oz ramekins (custard cups). Place ramekins in a baking dish and add hot water to fill pan halfway up the side of the ramekins.

Bake until set, about 40-45 minutes, until custard is mostly firm but the centers of the custards shake gently when tapped. Remove from the oven and allow the ramekins to cool slightly.

Remove the ramekins from the pan and refrigerate overnight. Just before serving, sprinkle the custards with 2 teaspoons sugar and caramelize the topping by using a hand-held propane or butane torch to caramelize the sugar.

Serve along with some fresh berries for added flavor.

TIP: Keep the water bath close to the oven to avoid walking across the kitchen and spilling water onto your floor.

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